“An imposed peace is not peace”

US President Donald Trump has announced that negotiations will have to begin “immediately”, pushing for a solution on Ukraine.  Zelensky: “Nobody wants peace more than Ukraine”, while German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he would reject a “peace imposed” on Ukraine. Everything is coming to a head shortly before the Munich Conference, which will bring together …

Arms race in Europe: “Peace is always a possible and viable option, but it takes courage”

After French President Emmanuel Macron, other European countries have in recent hours given the green light to using Western-supplied weapons against targets inside Russia. Even US President Joe Biden is reportedly contemplating an easing of restrictions on the supply of US-made weapons to Ukraine. Francesco Vignarca, coordinator of the Italian Network for Peace and Disarmament, …

Italy’s Arms Export Boom: No Emergency, Ma’am

Italian exports have soared: +86% in 5 years. “Purely profit-driven,” says Francesco Vignarca coordinator of the Italian branch of Control Arms by Anna Violante for Atlas of Wars “If we want peace, we must prepare for war,” wrote European Council President Charles Michel in his press release of 19 March, referring to the need to increase European …

Italy: Amending current law to facilitate arms exports

The Italian Senate approved a controversial bill giving the government the power to decide whether to export arms, removing a series of intertwined controls and parliamentary debates Su Altas of Wars by Anna Violante The new legislation claims to adapt Law 185, in force since 1990, to new international challenges. Its objectives include minimising restrictions on arms …

The dirty arms money boom

Guest blog by Francesco Vignarca (Italian Peace and Disarmament Network) The two major armed conflicts that in recent months have put war back at the center of Western public opinion’s attention (while too many other wars continue to be ignored) have, among other things, made its economic and profit-making dimension evident. As Peace and Disarmament …